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giTrack has hierarchical configuration with three levels:

  1. Local config
  2. Store (eq. giTrack's internal storage)
  3. Global config (eq. config file common for all Git repos)

The resolution of options is in order presented above. The config files (local and global) are INI styled text files that you can customize to your need.

Local configuration

.gitrack file placed in root of the Git repo

Local configuration is the first place where giTrack looks to for option resolution. It can be part of the Git repo as common configuration for the team working in the repo.


binary internal storage

Pickled giTrack's state with some level of configuration and some other data about repos.

Global configuration

default.config file placed in the OS-specific application configuration folder (see: user_config_dir in appdirs)

INI options

Overview of options for the INI config files. All following options belongs under [gitrack] section. This table display only the common giTrack's configuration. Each provider can have different set of custom options. For that see the provider's overview you want to use.

Name Type Default Description
provider str Name of provider to be used. (Required)
project_support bool False Defines if project's support is enabled. Provider needs to support it.
project str Defines ID or Name of Project to be associated with the created time entries.
tasks_support bool False Defines if task's support is enabled. Provider needs to support it.
tasks_mode str (enum) Possible values: static, dynamic_branch and dynamic_message. For explanation see Task support.
tasks_regex str Python Regex that defines how the task's name or ID. It needs to contain capturing group with name task.
tasks_value str In case of static mode, the name or ID to be used.
update_check bool True giTrack will check upon invocation if there is a newer version available.